Huntingdonshire Fauna & Flora Society Publications
From time to time various publications and other items are offered for sale. These are often the work (the magnum opus in some instances!) of society members, and in some cases a proportion of the cost is donated to HFFS funds. Please show your support by buying a copy of these excellent publications, and recommending them to others. Copies are available from members of the Society as shown below. Please make cheques payable to: The Huntingdonshire Fauna & Flora Society. Another book on butterflies and moths is in preparation (see the Lepidoptera Project).
Field Key to the Grasses of the East Midlands
by Brian N K Davis
Published in 2019 is a book about the Orchids of Huntingdonshire & the Soke of Peterborough. The contents include historical data and details of some early botanists who recorded orchids. Descriptions of the geology, soil and habitats of the study area are included. Reports on several past and current monitoring projects are also presented. Basic botanical details of orchids are explained and each of the local Orchid species has a section that includes background information, local data including maps and a description with photographs. Orchid sites with Public access are also listed. For further information on our orchid project, click here.
The Flora is available from Sarah Orbell and Barry Dickerson
Printed in hardback, in colour, price £20 + £3 P&P
Orchid Flora of Huntingdonshire and the Soke of Peterborough - 2019
The Flora of Huntingdonshire and the Soke of Peterborough by Terry Wells - 2003
This beautiful Flora represents the life's work of our late Plant Recorder and past President, Terry Wells.
Laid out as a traditional Flora, each species has a distribution map and notes about its past and present distribution.
The Flora is available from Barry Dickerson, price £15.00 + £2.90 P&P.
Brampton Wood - A Natural History by the Huntingdonshire Fauna and Flora Society - 2005
This book was produced by a group of HFFS members, each contributing to their speciality subject.
It details the past and modern history of this important nature reserve, with notes on interesting or rare species in many different categories.
The book is available from Barry Dickerson, price £15.00 + £2.90 P&P.
60th Anniversary "A Celebration of Huntingdonshire's Grasslands" by H R Arnold, B P Dickerson, K L Drew and P E G Walker
This grassland booklet formed part of the Society's 60th Anniversary celebrations.
It is available (only 2 copies left) from Barry Dickerson, price £2.00 + 90p P&P.
50th Anniversary "Review" by the Huntingdonshire Fauna and Flora Society
The 50th Anniversary Review contains many interesting articles and reflections over the first fifty years of the Society.
The Review is Sold Out.
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40th Anniversary "40 Years Of Change In The County 1949-1989" by the Huntingdonshire Fauna and Flora Society
This booklet contains many interesting articles and reflections over the first forty years of the Society. This publication is Sold Out.